Strip notes:729

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The last frame of strip 729 shows an IM window. This is a transcript of the text, as found in Megatokyo 4, which is much more readable than the online version:

I have that game, actually.
you do? wow! i've never heard of it before. Did you play it?
yeah, but she voices a minor character that's hard to get.
are theses all the pictures? Nimuku is telling me that there [a]re more.
[w]ell, Kuma says he was given some shots no one has posted yet. [k]now those two shots of her running after someone in Harajuku?
[y]eah. who capped those?
[w]ell, whoever did also managed to snap an upskirt shot. Kuma [say]s he has it.
[wh]at?? are you serious???

(Text in [] indicates educated guesses about text not seen)